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Cruise ships in Norwegian fjords 2011


New member
Hello everyone!

Now have the cruise season 2011 started in Olden.

The first ship who open this year season was the Norwegian hurtigrute ship * FRAM *.....

Some last snow on the mountains?! I heard it's very cold during this week, till -10 degrees also in northern Germany...
Some last snow on the mountains?! I heard it's very cold during this week, till -10 degrees also in northern Germany...

Yes,there is still snow on the mountains...we had a lots of snow and this winter was cold and long.......Here in west of Norway we have had a week with sun and tempratures up to around 20 + and the sun was so warm an nice,just like summer time :) but the last two days its have been a little wind who have been cold....but not more than that the temprature is around 11 - 13 + ;)
Fine, your first picture is one of the best never posted. Thanks, waiting for the next ship in fjords!
Yesterday was Expedition on a visit,Expedition is ex - ålandsferja who sailing between Kapellskår and Mariehamn,Sweden until 2008 when GAP Shipping buy the ship....

Hallo Galaxy,

I am going to be in Geiranger at the end of July 2011 on board of Costa Luminosa (Cruise -Norvegian Fjords).
Your pics are amazing!

Today was National Geographic Explorer visit Olden on her way north to Svalbard were she will spend her summer until august when she going south agein....
