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Information about a Costa Classica cruise in February 1996

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New member
Hello, I'm new here, I hope I opened the topic in the correct place, sorry if I made a mistake.

I'm from Turkey and I don't speak Italian very much so I have to write in English. Me and family, we took a cruise in February 1996, by looking at our passport stamps it must be between 17-24 February 1996. The cruise was with the Costa Classica, starting from Guadeloupe and going to St. Lucia, a beach in the Dominican Republic and some other places that I can't remember right now (I was only 11 years old).

I've been trying to track down this trip for a very long time, which cities or countries we went to, but I couldn't find absolutely any info on the internet. I even wrote to Costa but they don't have any information as well.

I hope there's someone who can help me! Grazie!
Welcome Salim! The itinerary could has been Guadalupe, Martinica, Barbados, S. Lucia or this: Guadalupa (Antille), St.Barth (Antille), Serena Cay (Rep.Dominicana), Tortola (Isole Vergini), St.Maarten (Antille), Antigua (Antille), St.Lucia (Antille)
Ultima modifica:
Welcome Onboard, Salim!
It'a a pleasure to have a so (once) young cruiser into the Forum.

Mr. Maurizio (Essepi2) tips are a good starting point; maybe you can try to remember more with a virtual travel with google maps into the indicated stopovers (or looking for some photos into our "cruise diaries").

Have a nice stay
Hello, thank you for the replies!

Guadalupa (Antille), St.Barth (Antille), Serena Cay (Rep.Dominicana), Tortola (Isole Vergini), St.Maarten (Antille), Antigua (Antille), St.Lucia (Antille)

I think this might be it, because we definitely went to a beach in Dominican Republic, I also remember St. Maarten as an island divided between the countries. Blueyes, since it's been a very long time I can hardly remember any specific locations, the best things I remember are a very colorful bazaar in Guadeloupe, sulphurs springs (especially the smell) and delicious small bananas in St. Lucia, an overweight postal office lady in St. Maarten and the beach in Dominican Republic!

Where can I find the cruise diaries that you told me about?
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