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L'anno è veramente cominciato male


Super Moderatore
Se così fosse, l'anno è davvero cominciato male. Sul Web risulterebbe un altro decesso, auto provocato, su Costa Fortuna. Io "spero" si tratti di una errata informazione e che si tratti sempre di quello di Atlantica, o in ogni caso di un solo evento, che per motivi di comunicazione si è "duplicato", anche se risulterebbero diverse modalità e soprattutto luoghi diversi tra i due possibili tragici eventi.
Ho ricercato un pò in giro la notizia... e non trovo nulla al riguardo.
Comunque spero tu abbia ragione e che la notizia sia riferita alla stessa circostanza.
Speriamo si tratti di una duplicazione. Comunque, temo che questi eventi siano legati dal periodo festivo. Medici e psicologi affermano che sono più frequenti i tentativi di suicidio proprio in coincidenza di giorni di festività, in quanto in questi poveretti aumenta il contrasto tra il loro disagio e vedersi intorno persone felici che si divertono.
Per decesso autoprovocato si intende un suicidio? Se cosi fosse, molto rammarico, ma si tratta di eventi molto diversi, che nulla ha a che vedere con la sicurezza a bordo.
Sì, Gabriele, ma è un termine che non mi piace e che preferisco evitare, sia perchè è legato ad un gesto estremo che pone termine a chissà quali sofferenze e dissidi interiori di un essere umano, sià perchè non è stato accertato come causa.
Purtroppo sembrano due "incidenti" distinti. Per quello del Fortuna, secondo i familiari, si tratterebbe di un omicidio avvenuto a bordo prima di Natale, col tentativo messo in atto di non farlo sembrare tale.

Da events at sea.

From a reader: My name is R, and I'm from Goa (India). Two days ago we received a phone call from the shipping agency where my brother (an Assistant Waiter) was recruited saying that he was found dead, due to hanging, onboard the COSTA FORTUNA. For us, his family, neighbours and friends, this is unbelievable. My brother was always known to be a happy-go-lucky person, cheerful, partying, full of life and no cares in the world. I have written to the Carnival and Costa companies to have a proper,thorough investigation and give us the full details. He wrote to the company saying: Please have a proper investigation into the matter. I too am a seaman, and cannot imagine a heavy built person hanging from a low ceiling, because I have worked for 3 cruise liners and the ceilings in the crew cabins are low.What about his cabin-mate? Please also check with his girlfriend if there was any indication of anything. Because a week before he had called up a friend in Goa, and sounded very happy on the phone. So something is seriously wrong here, and I expect a thorough investigation. I know it cannot bring back my brother's life, but we need to know what steps have been taken. UPDATE from reader: We have just received news from fellow sailors in our village where we live in India, that R was murdered and hung in his cabin to make it look like a suicide. It seems he had a quarrel with some Asian person, and were both given individual warning Letters by the Management. Worst of all, this incident took place much before Christmas, and Costa has been hiding it not to attract bad publicity. The boys were saying that the papers will be botched up, and have urged us to carry out private investigations.
From a reader: My name is R, and I'm from Goa (India). Two days ago we received a phone call from the shipping agency where my brother (an Assistant Waiter) was recruited saying that he was found dead, due to hanging, onboard the COSTA FORTUNA. For us, his family, neighbours and friends, this is unbelievable. My brother was always known to be a happy-go-lucky person, cheerful, partying, full of life and no cares in the world. I have written to the Carnival and Costa companies to have a proper,thorough investigation and give us the full details. He wrote to the company saying: Please have a proper investigation into the matter. I too am a seaman, and cannot imagine a heavy built person hanging from a low ceiling, because I have worked for 3 cruise liners and the ceilings in the crew cabins are low.What about his cabin-mate? Please also check with his girlfriend if there was any indication of anything. Because a week before he had called up a friend in Goa, and sounded very happy on the phone. So something is seriously wrong here, and I expect a thorough investigation. I know it cannot bring back my brother's life, but we need to know what steps have been taken. UPDATE from reader: We have just received news from fellow sailors in our village where we live in India, that R was murdered and hung in his cabin to make it look like a suicide. It seems he had a quarrel with some Asian person, and were both given individual warning Letters by the Management. Worst of all, this incident took place much before Christmas, and Costa has been hiding it not to attract bad publicity. The boys were saying that the papers will be botched up, and have urged us to carry out private investigations.

speriamo che i suoi familiari si sbaglino