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Super Moderatore
Cinquantacinque contagiati e scalo respinto. Stavolta è toccato ad Odissey of the Seas a Curaçao.

Cinquantacinque contagiati e scalo respinto. Stavolta è toccato ad Odissey of the Seas a Curaçao.

Tutte navi Royal? Forse qualcosa non funziona nel sistema di prevenzione/protezione…o negli ospiti!
In questo caso, non credo sia "colpa" degli ospiti.
E' curioso che, domenica scorsa, Odyssey Of The Seas sia tornata indietro a Fort Lauderdale per sbarcare un passeggero positivo e la sua famiglia. Odyssey aveva iniziato la crociera da Fort Lauderdale sabato scorso.

Credo, e lo ribadisco, che ci sia qualcosa da rivedere nel protocollo! Solo un giorno dopo l'inizio della crociera si manifesta un positivo sintomatico. Allora come funzionano i controlli all'imbarco? E quanto sono attendibili?
Premesso che ormai quasi tutte le compagnie stanno riportando contagi a bordo, Royal ne sta avendo quasi ogni giorno e su navi diverse...
Protocollo dal sito Royal Caribbean

All Guests: Required Pre-Cruise Testing

Before boarding day, you’ll need to take a COVID-19 test on your own, at your own expense.

  • Vaccinated guests must show a negative COVID-19 test result for a PCR or antigen test taken no more than 2 days before boarding day. NOTE: Kids age 5 to 11 who have been vaccinated may present proof of full vaccination and follow the testing protocols for vaccinated guests.
  • Unvaccinated kids age 2 to 11 must show a negative test result for a PCR test (not antigen)taken no more than 3 days before boarding day.
  • Unvaccinated kids’ pre-cruise test cannot be taken on boarding day, because that may affect the sample taken during the kids’ test at the terminal.
  • Learn more about how to calculate which days you can take your test.
  • Guests under 2 years of age do not need to complete a pre-cruise test.
If you're travelling to the U.S. from another country, you'll also need to take a PCR or antigen test to enter the U.S.

Unvaccinated Kids Age 2-11: Additional Complimentary Testing

In addition to the pre-cruise test, unvaccinated kids will take one or two more tests, depending on the length of the cruise. Royal Caribbean’s test provider will administer these, at no cost to our guests.

On boarding day,

  • Unvaccinated kids will take a complimentary test when checking in at the terminal. Registration details will be sent via email in advance.
  • For cruises that are 5 nights or longer, unvaccinated kids will take a complimentary antigen test onboard before the cruise ends. Guests will be notified onboard about how to register for this test.
This guidance is for all guests age 2 and up. Guests under the age of 2 do not need to wear a mask.

Masks are NOT required to be worn:

  • In open-air areas of the ship, unless you are in a crowded setting
  • In the pool or any activity where they may become wet
  • In your stateroom when you are with your traveling party
  • While visiting our private destination, Perfect Day at CocoCay, unless you are in a crowded setting
  • By any guest under the age of 2
Masks ARE required to be worn:

  • While indoors onboard the ship, unless seated and actively eating or drinking
  • While visiting public ports of call, where local regulations may require them