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Passaggio tempesta nord europa, navi in difficoltà


Active member
Un vero bollettino di guerra

Storms-related accidents in North Europe and UK, at least 7 vessels involved

Cruise liner Ocean Atlantic, Bremerhaven

Cruise liner Ocean Atlantic broke from her moorings in Bremerhaven on Oct 28 13 by wind gusts brought by storm Christian. Vessel was taken back to pier by a tug, no damages reported. Cruise liner Ocean Atlantic, IMO 8325432, 12798 gt, built 1986, flag Marshall Islands.

General cargo vessel Heinz G, North sea
General cargo vessel Heinz G was disabled in the evening Oct 27 13 in North sea off Emden, en route from Bremerhaven, reported vesseltracker.com. Two tugs sent from Emden took vessel on tow and towed her to Emden, vessel was docked in South Quay in the morning Oct 28. General cargo vessel Heinz G, IMO 9536521, dwt 3850, built 2011, flag Antigua.

Ferry Peter Pan and coaster Jopi, Trelleborg
Ferry Peter Pan docked in Trelleborg, Sweden, Baltic sea, broke from her moorings in the afternoon Oct 28 13 by wind gusts up to 38 meters/sec, reported vesseltracker.com. Vessel?s aft moved from pier and hit the stern of coaster Jopi, which was docked on the opposite side of the quay.
General cargo vessel Jopi, IMO 8857136, dwt 555, built 1985, flag Finland.
Ro-ro passenger vessel Peter Pan, IMO 9217242, 36468 gt, built 2001, flag Sweden.

Ferry Stena Alegra, Karlskrona
Ferry Stena Alegra ran aground off Karlskrona, Sweden, Baltic sea, late Oct 28 13. Vessel doesn?t have passengers or cargo on board, no leaks reported. Grounding reportedly was caused by strong wind, which already subsided. Salvage under way. Ro-ro passenger vessel Stena Alegra, IMO 9147291, 22152 gt, built 1998, flag UK.

Dredger Arco Axe, Thames estuary
Dredger Arco Axe was grounded by a storm on Oct 28 13 off Shoeburyness, Thames estuary. Vessel was refloated with the help of the tugs and taken to Medway. Dredger Arco Axe, IMO 8803783, 3498 gt, flag UK.

General cargo vessel RMS Rotterdam, Kattegat
General cargo vessel RMS Rotterdam suffered engine failure in the evening Oct 28 13 in Kattegat off Molle, Sweden, and reportedly had to emergency drop an anchor. Swedish Coast Guard ship Poseidon went to assist, but RMS Rotterdam fixed the problem and resumed voyage from Liepaja Latvia to Frederikstad Sweden. General cargo vessel RMS Rotterdam, IMO 9617296, dwt 3798, built 2011, flag Cyprus, manager Rhein-, Maas- und Seeschiffahrtskontor GmbH.
Purtroppo era prevedibile :(

Quello che non mi è chiaro sono i due traghetti...avevo sentito dire alla vigilia della tempesta che ne sarebbe stata bloccata, per precauzione, la navigazione...boh!