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Pirati somali: tribunale condanna stato francese


Active member
Veramente non so se ridere o piangere...
Ma qui stiamo proprio toccando il fondo..

Court Orders Payout to Somali Pirates
The pirates were accused of hijacking the MY Le Ponant in the Gulf of Aden in 2008, for which a ransom of more than $2 million was paid for its release, gCapatain reports. A European court has ordered France to pay thousands of euros to a group of Somali pirates over a 48 delay in presenting the accused men before a judge upon their arrival in the country. A judge at the European Union of Human Rights made the ruling Thursday, determining that France violated the European Convention of Human Rights by not immediately presenting the accused before a judicial authority upon their arrival in France. The pirates to be compensated, nine in total, were accused and some even convicted of hijacking a French-flagged cruise ship and yacht in two separate incidents off the coast of Somalia in 2008. The nine Somali men were among of a group 12 initially taken into custody over the attacks. The court ruled that because of the 48 hour delay, France did not do enough to protect the pirates’ rights to liberty and security and ordered the government to pay each of the men compensation ranging from 2,000 to 9,000 euros.
Veramente non so se ridere o piangere...
Ma qui stiamo proprio toccando il fondo..

Court Orders Payout to Somali Pirates
The pirates were accused of hijacking the MY Le Ponant in the Gulf of Aden in 2008, for which a ransom of more than $2 million was paid for its release, gCapatain reports. A European court has ordered France to pay thousands of euros to a group of Somali pirates over a 48 delay in presenting the accused men before a judge upon their arrival in the country. A judge at the European Union of Human Rights made the ruling Thursday, determining that France violated the European Convention of Human Rights by not immediately presenting the accused before a judicial authority upon their arrival in France. The pirates to be compensated, nine in total, were accused and some even convicted of hijacking a French-flagged cruise ship and yacht in two separate incidents off the coast of Somalia in 2008. The nine Somali men were among of a group 12 initially taken into custody over the attacks. The court ruled that because of the 48 hour delay, France did not do enough to protect the pirates’ rights to liberty and security and ordered the government to pay each of the men compensation ranging from 2,000 to 9,000 euros.

Che schifo...
Ma il rimborso ridicolo o meglio assurdo almeno non sembra rimuovere il reato commesso o forse tradotto male?
Esatto, volevo capire se secondo voi era vicino alla realtà'...comunque uno dei pochi film che tratta di questo problema...
Il film è molto verosimile al libro, quindi diciamo che la pellicola, in sostanza, pur con i soliti adeguamenti cinematografici, ricalca il racconto del Capitano Smith.