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Io ho navigato con Royal Caribbean sulla... Of the Seas:

Explorer of the seas 2 volte ;-)

la classifica aggiornata è:

Navigator Of the Seas -17 ----Voyager Class
Explorer Of the Seas -6 ----Voyager Class
Splendour Of the Seas -5 ----Vision Class
Voyager Of the Seas -3 ----Voyager Class
Freedom Of the Seas -3 ----Freedom Class
Serenade Of the Seas -3 ----Radiance Class
Radiance Of the Seas -2 ----Radiance Class
Legend Of the Seas -2 ----Vision Class
Oasis Of the Seas(Lady O) -2 ----Oasis Class
Jewel Of the Seas -2 ----Radiance Class
Vision Of the Seas -2 ----Vision Class
Empress Of the Seas -1 ----Unique Ship
Song of Norway -1 ----Pre-Sovereign Class
Adventure Of the Seas -1 ----Voyager Class
Grandeur Of the Seas -1 ----Vision Class
Monarch Of the Seas -1 ----Sovereign Class
Liberty Of the Seas -1 ----Freedom Class
Brilliance Of the Seas -1 ----Radiance Class

Voyager = 27
Vision = 10
Radiance = 8
Freedom = 4
Oasis = 2
Sovereign = 1
Pre-Sovereign= 1
Unique Ship = 1
Liberty of the seas Agosto 2008
Majesty of the seas Luglio 2009
Explorer of the seas andrò a il 2 Gennaio 2011

Per l' Explorer Of the Seas ripassa ad anno nuovo ;)

la classifica aggiornata è:

Navigator Of the Seas -17 ----Voyager Class
Explorer Of the Seas -6 ----Voyager Class
Splendour Of the Seas -5 ----Vision Class
Voyager Of the Seas -3 ----Voyager Class
Freedom Of the Seas -3 ----Freedom Class
Serenade Of the Seas -3 ----Radiance Class
Radiance Of the Seas -2 ----Radiance Class
Legend Of the Seas -2 ----Vision Class
Oasis Of the Seas(Lady O) -2 ----Oasis Class
Jewel Of the Seas -2 ----Radiance Class
Vision Of the Seas -2 ----Vision Class
Liberty Of the Seas -2 ----Freedom Class
Empress Of the Seas -1 ----Unique Ship
Song of Norway -1 ----Pre-Sovereign Class
Adventure Of the Seas -1 ----Voyager Class
Grandeur Of the Seas -1 ----Vision Class
Monarch Of the Seas -1 ----Sovereign Class
Brilliance Of the Seas -1 ----Radiance Class
Majesty Of the Seas -1 ----Sovereign Class

Voyager = 27
Vision = 10
Radiance = 8
Freedom = 5
Oasis = 2
Sovereign = 2
Pre-Sovereign= 1
Unique Ship = 1
la classifica aggiornata è:

Navigator Of the Seas -18 ----Voyager Class
Explorer Of the Seas -6 ----Voyager Class
Splendour Of the Seas -5 ----Vision Class
Oasis Of the Seas(Lady O) -3 ----Oasis Class
Voyager Of the Seas -3 ----Voyager Class
Freedom Of the Seas -3 ----Freedom Class
Serenade Of the Seas -3 ----Radiance Class
Radiance Of the Seas -2 ----Radiance Class
Legend Of the Seas -2 ----Vision Class
Jewel Of the Seas -2 ----Radiance Class
Vision Of the Seas -2 ----Vision Class
Liberty Of the Seas -2 ----Freedom Class
Empress Of the Seas -1 ----Unique Ship
Song of Norway -1 ----Pre-Sovereign Class
Adventure Of the Seas -1 ----Voyager Class
Grandeur Of the Seas -1 ----Vision Class
Monarch Of the Seas -1 ----Sovereign Class
Brilliance Of the Seas -1 ----Radiance Class
Majesty Of the Seas -1 ----Sovereign Class

Voyager = 28
Vision = 10
Radiance = 8
Freedom = 5
Oasis = 3
Sovereign = 2
Pre-Sovereign= 1
Unique Ship = 1
la classifica aggiornata è:

Navigator Of the Seas -19 ----Voyager Class
Explorer Of the Seas -6 ----Voyager Class
Splendour Of the Seas -5 ----Vision Class
Oasis Of the Seas(Lady O) -3 ----Oasis Class
Voyager Of the Seas -3 ----Voyager Class
Freedom Of the Seas -3 ----Freedom Class
Serenade Of the Seas -3 ----Radiance Class
Liberty Of the Seas -3 ----Freedom Class
Radiance Of the Seas -2 ----Radiance Class
Legend Of the Seas -2 ----Vision Class
Jewel Of the Seas -2 ----Radiance Class
Vision Of the Seas -2 ----Vision Class
Empress Of the Seas -1 ----Unique Ship
Song of Norway -1 ----Pre-Sovereign Class
Adventure Of the Seas -1 ----Voyager Class
Grandeur Of the Seas -1 ----Vision Class
Monarch Of the Seas -1 ----Sovereign Class
Brilliance Of the Seas -1 ----Radiance Class
Majesty Of the Seas -1 ----Sovereign Class

Voyager = 29
Vision = 10
Radiance = 8
Freedom = 6
Oasis = 3
Sovereign = 2
Pre-Sovereign= 1
Unique Ship = 1
Il nostro caro Cokj ha avuto oggi una giornata dura oggi.

Un saluto.

no, giornata tranquilla

la classifica aggiornata è:

Navigator Of the Seas -19 ----Voyager Class
Explorer Of the Seas -6 ----Voyager Class
Splendour Of the Seas -5 ----Vision Class
Oasis Of the Seas(Lady O) -3 ----Oasis Class
Voyager Of the Seas -3 ----Voyager Class
Freedom Of the Seas -3 ----Freedom Class
Serenade Of the Seas -3 ----Radiance Class
Liberty Of the Seas -3 ----Freedom Class
Jewel Of the Seas -3 ----Radiance Class
Radiance Of the Seas -2 ----Radiance Class
Legend Of the Seas -2 ----Vision Class
Vision Of the Seas -2 ----Vision Class
Majesty Of the Seas -2 ----Sovereign Class
Empress Of the Seas -1 ----Unique Ship
Song of Norway -1 ----Pre-Sovereign Class
Adventure Of the Seas -1 ----Voyager Class
Grandeur Of the Seas -1 ----Vision Class
Monarch Of the Seas -1 ----Sovereign Class
Brilliance Of the Seas -1 ----Radiance Class

Voyager = 29
Vision = 10
Radiance = 9
Freedom = 6
Oasis = 3
Sovereign = 3
Pre-Sovereign= 1
Unique Ship = 1
la classifica aggiornata è:

Navigator Of the Seas -20 ----Voyager Class
Explorer Of the Seas -6 ----Voyager Class
Splendour Of the Seas -5 ----Vision Class
Oasis Of the Seas(Lady O) -3 ----Oasis Class
Voyager Of the Seas -3 ----Voyager Class
Freedom Of the Seas -3 ----Freedom Class
Serenade Of the Seas -3 ----Radiance Class
Liberty Of the Seas -3 ----Freedom Class
Jewel Of the Seas -3 ----Radiance Class
Radiance Of the Seas -2 ----Radiance Class
Legend Of the Seas -2 ----Vision Class
Vision Of the Seas -2 ----Vision Class
Majesty Of the Seas -2 ----Sovereign Class
Adventure Of the Seas -2 ----Voyager Class
Empress Of the Seas -1 ----Unique Ship
Song of Norway -1 ----Pre-Sovereign Class
Grandeur Of the Seas -1 ----Vision Class
Monarch Of the Seas -1 ----Sovereign Class
Brilliance Of the Seas -1 ----Radiance Class

Voyager = 31
Vision = 10
Radiance = 9
Freedom = 6
Oasis = 3
Sovereign = 3
Pre-Sovereign= 1
Unique Ship = 1
Ma la Mariner?Qualcuno sa dirmi qualcosa su questa nave?Partirò da Civitavecchia il 16 Giugno2011 per la Terra Santa :confused:
Sulla Mariner c'è da dire poco viso che verrà per la prima volta quest'anno in Italia. Sorella della navigator, classe Voyager, è una bellissima nave. Per avere un idea di cosa troverai a bordo, puoi leggere anche i diari e le foto della Navigator, visto che è la sua gemella.
la classifica aggiornata è:

Navigator Of the Seas -20 ----Voyager Class
Explorer Of the Seas -6 ----Voyager Class
Splendour Of the Seas -5 ----Vision Class
Liberty Of the Seas -4 ----Freedom Class
Oasis Of the Seas(Lady O) -3 ----Oasis Class
Voyager Of the Seas -3 ----Voyager Class
Freedom Of the Seas -3 ----Freedom Class
Serenade Of the Seas -3 ----Radiance Class
Jewel Of the Seas -3 ----Radiance Class
Radiance Of the Seas -2 ----Radiance Class
Legend Of the Seas -2 ----Vision Class
Vision Of the Seas -2 ----Vision Class
Majesty Of the Seas -2 ----Sovereign Class
Adventure Of the Seas -2 ----Voyager Class
Empress Of the Seas -1 ----Unique Ship
Song of Norway -1 ----Pre-Sovereign Class
Grandeur Of the Seas -1 ----Vision Class
Monarch Of the Seas -1 ----Sovereign Class
Brilliance Of the Seas -1 ----Radiance Class

Voyager = 31
Vision = 10
Radiance = 9
Freedom = 7
Oasis = 3
Sovereign = 3
Pre-Sovereign= 1
Unique Ship = 1
la classifica aggiornata è:

Navigator Of the Seas -20 ----Voyager Class
Explorer Of the Seas -6 ----Voyager Class
Splendour Of the Seas -5 ----Vision Class
Liberty Of the Seas -5 ----Freedom Class
Oasis Of the Seas(Lady O) -3 ----Oasis Class
Voyager Of the Seas -3 ----Voyager Class
Freedom Of the Seas -3 ----Freedom Class
Serenade Of the Seas -3 ----Radiance Class
Jewel Of the Seas -3 ----Radiance Class
Radiance Of the Seas -2 ----Radiance Class
Legend Of the Seas -2 ----Vision Class
Vision Of the Seas -2 ----Vision Class
Majesty Of the Seas -2 ----Sovereign Class
Adventure Of the Seas -2 ----Voyager Class
Empress Of the Seas -1 ----Unique Ship
Song of Norway -1 ----Pre-Sovereign Class
Grandeur Of the Seas -1 ----Vision Class
Monarch Of the Seas -1 ----Sovereign Class
Brilliance Of the Seas -1 ----Radiance Class

Voyager = 31
Vision = 10
Radiance = 9
Freedom = 8
Oasis = 3
Sovereign = 3
Pre-Sovereign= 1
Unique Ship = 1