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Io ho navigato con Royal Caribbean sulla... Of the Seas:

la classifica aggiornata è:

Navigator Of the Seas -23 ----Voyager Class
Explorer Of the Seas -6 ----Voyager Class
Splendour Of the Seas -5 ----Vision Class
Liberty Of the Seas -5 ----Freedom Class
Oasis Of the Seas(Lady O) -3 ----Oasis Class
Voyager Of the Seas -3 ----Voyager Class
Freedom Of the Seas -3 ----Freedom Class
Serenade Of the Seas -3 ----Radiance Class
Jewel Of the Seas -3 ----Radiance Class
Radiance Of the Seas -2 ----Radiance Class
Legend Of the Seas -2 ----Vision Class
Vision Of the Seas -2 ----Vision Class
Majesty Of the Seas -2 ----Sovereign Class
Adventure Of the Seas -2 ----Voyager Class
Mariner Of the Seas -2 ----Voyager Class
Empress Of the Seas -1 ----Unique Ship
Song of Norway -1 ----Pre-Sovereign Class
Grandeur Of the Seas -1 ----Vision Class
Monarch Of the Seas -1 ----Sovereign Class
Brilliance Of the Seas -1 ----Radiance Class

Voyager = 36
Vision = 10
Radiance = 9
Freedom = 8
Oasis = 3
Sovereign = 3
Pre-Sovereign= 1
Unique Ship = 1

...visto che Mauro latita....... faccio un refresh ........... ad oggi ......

la classifica aggiornata è:

Anthem Of the Seas - 1 ------ Classe Quantum
Navigator Of the Seas -30 ----Voyager Class
Explorer Of the Seas -6 ----Voyager Class
Splendour Of the Seas -6 ----Vision Class
Liberty Of the Seas -7 ----Freedom Class
Oasis Of the Seas(Lady O) -5 ----Oasis Class
Allure Of the Seas -3----Oasis Class
Voyager Of the Seas -3 ----Voyager Class
Freedom Of the Seas -5 ----Freedom Class
Serenade Of the Seas -3 ----Radiance Class
Jewel Of the Seas -3 ----Radiance Class
Radiance Of the Seas -2 ----Radiance Class
Legend Of the Seas -2 ----Vision Class
Vision Of the Seas -3 ----Vision Class
Majesty Of the Seas -2 ----Sovereign Class
Adventure Of the Seas -3 ----Voyager Class
Mariner Of the Seas -13 ----Voyager Class
Empress Of the Seas -1 ----Unique Ship
Song of Norway -1 ----Pre-Sovereign Class
Grandeur Of the Seas -1 ----Vision Class
Monarch Of the Seas -1 ----Sovereign Class
Brilliance Of the Seas -1 ----Radiance Class

Voyager = 55
Vision = 12
Radiance = 9
Freedom = 12
Oasis = 8
Sovereign = 3
Pre-Sovereign= 1
Unique Ship = 1
Quantum = 1

.... ne mancherebbero ancora molte ......

...visto che Mauro latita....... faccio un refresh ........... ad oggi ......

la classifica aggiornata è:

Anthem Of the Seas - 1 ------ Classe Quantum
Navigator Of the Seas -30 ----Voyager Class
Explorer Of the Seas -6 ----Voyager Class
Splendour Of the Seas -6 ----Vision Class
Liberty Of the Seas -7 ----Freedom Class
Oasis Of the Seas(Lady O) -5 ----Oasis Class
Allure Of the Seas -3----Oasis Class
Voyager Of the Seas -3 ----Voyager Class
Freedom Of the Seas -5 ----Freedom Class
Serenade Of the Seas -3 ----Radiance Class
Jewel Of the Seas -3 ----Radiance Class
Radiance Of the Seas -2 ----Radiance Class
Legend Of the Seas -2 ----Vision Class
Vision Of the Seas -3 ----Vision Class
Majesty Of the Seas -2 ----Sovereign Class
Adventure Of the Seas -3 ----Voyager Class
Mariner Of the Seas -13 ----Voyager Class
Empress Of the Seas -1 ----Unique Ship
Song of Norway -1 ----Pre-Sovereign Class
Grandeur Of the Seas -1 ----Vision Class
Monarch Of the Seas -1 ----Sovereign Class
Brilliance Of the Seas -1 ----Radiance Class

Voyager = 55
Vision = 12
Radiance = 9
Freedom = 12
Oasis = 8
Sovereign = 3
Pre-Sovereign= 1
Unique Ship = 1
Quantum = 1

.... ne mancherebbero ancora molte ......

Giuseppe, se vuoi continua tu. Io ho perso la voglia :(
la classifica aggiornata ad oggi è:

Anthem Of the Seas - 1 ------ Classe Quantum
Navigator Of the Seas -31 ----Voyager Class
Explorer Of the Seas -6 ----Voyager Class
Splendour Of the Seas -6 ----Vision Class
Liberty Of the Seas -7 ----Freedom Class
Oasis Of the Seas(Lady O) -5 ----Oasis Class
Allure Of the Seas -3----Oasis Class
Voyager Of the Seas -3 ----Voyager Class
Freedom Of the Seas -5 ----Freedom Class
Serenade Of the Seas -3 ----Radiance Class
Jewel Of the Seas -3 ----Radiance Class
Radiance Of the Seas -2 ----Radiance Class
Legend Of the Seas -2 ----Vision Class
Vision Of the Seas -3 ----Vision Class
Majesty Of the Seas -2 ----Sovereign Class
Adventure Of the Seas -3 ----Voyager Class
Mariner Of the Seas -14 ----Voyager Class
Empress Of the Seas -1 ----Unique Ship
Song of Norway -1 ----Pre-Sovereign Class
Grandeur Of the Seas -1 ----Vision Class
Monarch Of the Seas -1 ----Sovereign Class
Brilliance Of the Seas -1 ----Radiance Class

Voyager = 57
Vision = 12
Radiance = 9
Freedom = 12
Oasis = 8
Sovereign = 3
Pre-Sovereign= 1
Unique Ship = 1
Quantum = 1

.... ne mancherebbero ancora molte ......

2012 mariner of the seas
2013 navigator of the seas
2014 liberty of the seas
2015 (ad agosto) allure of the seas
Queste le mie attuali "Of the Seas":

2010 - Splendour - Isole Greche e Turchia
2011 - Voyager - Adriatic Sea Coastal
2012 - Vision - Norwegian Fiords
2012 - Adventure - West Mediterranean
2012 - Serenade - Holiday Cruise
2013 - OASIS - West Caribbean
2014 - Majesty - Bahamas & Key West
2014 - Liberty - West Mediterranean
2015 - Mariner - b2b2b Asia cruise

da fare 2015 - Splendour - (prenotata per settembre)
Il mio contributo:

Mariner of the Seas - west med 6/2012
Mariner of the Seas - west med 8/2012
Navigator of the Seas - est med 6/2013
Navigator of the Seas - est med 8/2013

...ed aspettavo anche a Te ......

...quindi aggiornando ad oggi la situazione è :


Oasis Of the Seas(Lady O) 6 ----Oasis Class

Allure Of the Seas 3 ----Oasis Class

Anthem Of the Seas 1 ------ Classe Quantum

Liberty Of the Seas 9 ----Freedom Class

Freedom Of the Seas 6 ----Freedom Class

Navigator Of the Seas 34 ----Voyager Class

Explorer Of the Seas 6 ----Voyager Class

Voyager Of the Seas 4 ----Voyager Class

Adventure Of the Seas 4 ----Voyager Class

Mariner Of the Seas 19 ----Voyager Class

Brilliance Of the Seas 1 ----Radiance Class

Serenade Of the Seas 4 ----Radiance Class

Jewel Of the Seas 5 ----Radiance Class

Radiance Of the Seas 2 ----Radiance Class

Splendour Of the Seas 8 ----Vision Class

Legend Of the Seas 2 ----Vision Class

Vision Of the Seas 4 ----Vision Class

Grandeur Of the Seas 1 ----Vision Class

Monarch Of the Seas 1 ----Sovereign Class

Majesty Of the Seas 3 ----Sovereign Class

Empress Of the Seas 1 ----Unique Ship

Song of Norway 1 ----Pre-Sovereign Class


Oasis = 9

Quantum = 1

Freedom = 15

Voyager = 67

Radiance = 12

Vision = 15

Sovereign = 4

Pre-Sovereign= 1

Unique Ship = 1

.... ne mancherebbero ancora molte ......

...quindi aggiornando ad oggi la situazione è :


Oasis Of the Seas(Lady O) 6 ----Oasis Class

Allure Of the Seas 3 ----Oasis Class

Anthem Of the Seas 1 ------ Classe Quantum

Liberty Of the Seas 9 ----Freedom Class

Freedom Of the Seas 6 ----Freedom Class

Navigator Of the Seas 35 ----Voyager Class

Explorer Of the Seas 6 ----Voyager Class

Voyager Of the Seas 4 ----Voyager Class

Adventure Of the Seas 4 ----Voyager Class

Mariner Of the Seas 19 ----Voyager Class

Brilliance Of the Seas 1 ----Radiance Class

Serenade Of the Seas 4 ----Radiance Class

Jewel Of the Seas 5 ----Radiance Class

Radiance Of the Seas 2 ----Radiance Class

Splendour Of the Seas 8 ----Vision Class

Legend Of the Seas 2 ----Vision Class

Vision Of the Seas 4 ----Vision Class

Grandeur Of the Seas 1 ----Vision Class

Monarch Of the Seas 1 ----Sovereign Class

Majesty Of the Seas 3 ----Sovereign Class

Empress Of the Seas 1 ----Unique Ship

Song of Norway 1 ----Pre-Sovereign Class


Oasis = 9

Quantum = 1

Freedom = 15

Voyager = 68

Radiance = 12

Vision = 15

Sovereign = 4

Pre-Sovereign= 1

Unique Ship = 1

.... ne mancherebbero ancora molte ......

..passandoci per caso l'aggiorno.... anche se eravamo tre famiglie, aggiungo una Allure ... penso che ne mancano e ne mancheranno moltissime .....


Oasis Of the Seas(Lady O) 6 ----Oasis Class

Allure Of the Seas 4 ----Oasis Class

Anthem Of the Seas 1 ------ Classe Quantum

Liberty Of the Seas 9 ----Freedom Class

Freedom Of the Seas 6 ----Freedom Class

Navigator Of the Seas 35 ----Voyager Class

Explorer Of the Seas 6 ----Voyager Class

Voyager Of the Seas 4 ----Voyager Class

Adventure Of the Seas 4 ----Voyager Class

Mariner Of the Seas 21 ----Voyager Class

Brilliance Of the Seas 1 ----Radiance Class

Serenade Of the Seas 4 ----Radiance Class

Jewel Of the Seas 5 ----Radiance Class

Radiance Of the Seas 2 ----Radiance Class

Splendour Of the Seas 8 ----Vision Class

Legend Of the Seas 2 ----Vision Class

Vision Of the Seas 4 ----Vision Class

Grandeur Of the Seas 1 ----Vision Class

Monarch Of the Seas 1 ----Sovereign Class

Majesty Of the Seas 3 ----Sovereign Class

Empress Of the Seas 1 ----Unique Ship

Song of Norway 1 ----Pre-Sovereign Class


Oasis = 10

Quantum = 1

Freedom = 15

Voyager = 70

Radiance = 12

Vision = 15

Sovereign = 4

Pre-Sovereign= 1

Unique Ship = 1
Io ho navigato con Royal Caribbean sulla... Of the Seas:

Ciao, appena rientrata dal mio "bis" su Splendour (e dodicesima crociera Royal [emoji13]) ... e si, anch'io come Giusri so e penso proprio che me ne mancano ancora moltissime [emoji106]🏼