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Contenuto recente di Galaxy

  1. G

    Cruise ships in Olden and Geiranger 2014

    Hello everyone. Here come the first pics from the cruise calls this summer,and more will come :) Legend Of The Seas was the first ship to arrive in Olden this spring. Fram Oceana Costa Fortuna Costa Fortuna will visit Olden 7 times in 2015 :D Queen Mary 2 More will come later :)
  2. G

    Cruise ships in Olden & Geiranger 2013

    Then the cruise season 2013 have started and this season will be the biggest and longest ever :D The ship who was the first one to arrive in Olden this year was the Hurtigruten ship FRAM....
  3. G

    Costa Voyager chartered ?

    Hello everyone. I really hope someone can help me whit this : Costa Voyager have order pilot,june 1 and july 1...... on this cruises it looks like she will visit Olden too. My * problem * Is.....i cant find this cruises anywere..... I cant find it on Taaj or Costa web sites. So is she...
  4. G

    RCCL 2014

    hello. It looks like RCCL will have 5 ships in Northern Europe 2014. The ships who booked is : Independence Of The Seas Adventure Of The Seas Brilliance Of The Seas Vision Of The Seas Legend Of The Seas I will come back with more if changes coming :)
  5. G

    Cruise ship in Olden or Geiranger 2012.

    The cruise season 2012 have started in Olden,and today was P & O's Oceana on a visit.
  6. G

    Grand Voyager 2012

    Grand Voyager loks like it not will be in Ibero Cruceros fleet in 2012. I found the 2012 cruises but Grand Voyager was not on any of them.... look here : http://www.iberocruceros.com/esp/contenidos/avance-2012
  7. G

    Cruise ships in Norwegian fjords 2011

    Hello everyone! Now have the cruise season 2011 started in Olden. The first ship who open this year season was the Norwegian hurtigrute ship * FRAM *.....
  8. G

    Ibero Cruceros 2012

    Hello. Is there anyone who know what ship Ibero Cruceros will sailing in Northern Europe 2012? I hope to see Grand Holiday or Grand Celebration :) Best regards Galaxy
  9. G

    Cruise ships in Norwegian fjords 2010

    The cruise season 2010 in Olden started record early this year,29 march was Saga Pearl II from Saga cruises open the season 2010. For the first time in the history i took pics of a cruise ship in snow weather... Saga Pearl II She left the port 1 hour to early so the pics was taken in a...
  10. G

    Cruise ships in norwegian fjords 2009.

    The cruise season 2009 have started,first ship this year was Saga Ruby 2 april.... here is some of the ships so far : Thomson Spirit and Le Diamant in Olden MSC Lirica leave Olden.. ( this was her first visit to Olden ) More to see on my web site : www.portofolden.com
  11. G


    Here is my *homeport* in the end of the 110km long *Nordfjorden* Olden is a cruise port and have Flåm in south and Geiranger in north.... "Ecco la mia "base", alla fine del *Nordfjorden* lungo 110km Olden è un porto crocieristico, Flåm al sud e Geiranger al nord...."
  12. G

    Photos Olden and Geiranger,Norway

    Hi! Here is my web site about cruise ships in Olden,there is also a gallery whit photos of ships in Geiranger :) http://www.portofolden.com Best regards from Frode,Norway :) Ciao! Ecco il mio sito web che tratta di navi da crociera a Olden, lì c'è anche una galleria di foto delle navi in...