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Cruise ship in Olden or Geiranger 2012.

Thank you so much :)

Yesterday was Queen Victoria on her first visit to Olden this year.....

And the strike is now over so i can look forward to Costa Luminosa,Fortuna and Deliziosa visit in Olden later this summer :D
English... first... please !

Prima in Inglese... per favore ! :)

The Queen Victoria is really very nice... but it's another one... of the Vista's evolutions.

La Quen Victoria è davvero molto graziosa... ma è un'altra... delle evoluzioni Vista.
Thank you everyone :)

Today was my first trip to Geiranger and my first pics of Artania.

And yesterday was Azura on her last visit this year.
Yes lingoss,i have seen the Seabourn Sojourn in Olden ;)

Seabourn Sojourn in Olden this year...

And Costa Luminosa have also been here.....Thank you Costa for vist us :)

And this coming tuesday Costa Fortuna is visiting Olden,that will be the biggest ship from Costa visit Olden..... ;)
Ultima modifica:
Again... other wonderful photos... thank you so much Galaxy for having posted them on this Forum ! :)

Di nuovo... altre foto meravigliose... grazie Galaxy per averle postate su questo Forum ! :)

The Artania is always a beauty... even if she in now very close to her 30 birthday !

L'Artania è sempre una bellezza... nonostante sia adesso molto vicina al suo trentesimo compleanno !
Galaxy if You have any Hurtigruten pictures in Olden it could be great to have a look at them....thank you

Galaxy se hai qualche foto del postale dei fiordi ,sarebbe bello vederle.......grazie

i was aboard the Finnmarken five years ago..........

ho viaggiato sulla Finnmarken cinque anni fa......
Ultima modifica:
mal di mare : yes i have,but only of FRAM since hurtigruten dont normaly call at Olden,end of august this year will NORDSTJERNEN also do one visit.

FRAM was the ship who open the cruise season 2012 in Olden.

And if u like to see more ships in Olden and Geiranger you can visit my web site : www.portofolden.com

Today was Le Diamant and Columbus 2 visiting Geiranger.

Le Diamant in a new nice blue color.

and Columbus 2 who was on her maiden call.
Scrivo in italiano perche' non so l'inglese.Chiedo il favore a chi legge per primo di tradurre.Questo connubio tra navi, mare, monti, neve e' straordinario.Grazie per queste foro.
Paolocecchi says: "I don't know english language and ask somebody to translate what I say. I find this mixage of ships, sea and mountains particularly exceptional.
Thank you Galaxy for your pics.

Thank you also by my side and best regards.
Thank you,paolocecchi and Rodolfo :)

Monday 18.06 was Expedition on a visit.

And yesterday 19.06 was Costa Fortuna on maiden call,this was the only time she visit Olden.
Thank You Galaxy ,very kind.....tell us something about the weather in Olden these days.....see You soon

grazie Galaxy ...raccontaci del tempo a Olden in questi giorni....a presto
Thank You Galaxy ,very kind.....tell us something about the weather in Olden these days.....see You soon

grazie Galaxy ...raccontaci del tempo a Olden in questi giorni....a presto

The weather the last 2 days have been great whit more than 20 + degrees,today it was around 28 + degrees in the sun.....so it have been 2 nice days and i hope it keep going....but you know,we cant do anything whit Mother Nature....we must take what we get,rain or sun :)

Today was Marco Polo in Olden,it was a little clody when she left,but warm and nice...

galaxi risponde
molto bello il tempo degli ultimi due giorni...ieri 20 gradi..oggi intorno ai 28...sono stati due bei giorni speriamo che duri,ma nulla possiamo fare con madre
natura,dobbiamo accettare quello che viene pioggia o sole.............
oggi Marco polo in Olden,un po' nuvoloso alla partenza,ma piacevolmente tiepido.................

Thank You Galaxy.......waiting Your shots

grazie Galaxy aspettiamo le Tue foto..............
Ultima modifica:
Hi Galaxy,
nice to see those beauties sailing the north of Europe! Please, just keep on posting new ones waiting for them!

Stanna Kvar! :-)
Thank you,Concordia :)

31.07 was Costa Deliziosa on her maiden call to Olden,this was the only time Deliziosa was visit the port.
