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I am sorry, I write in English. The ships cabin have ALL been refurbished including deck 4 upwards. It does however creak a great deal AND we had a total black out at sea. NO engines for one and a half hours. Beautiful ship, fabulous staff, great food BUT "shake rattle and roll" on NeoRomantica for sure! Alearci, we boarded as you got off - oh boy - you missed the adventure of the Baltics for sure. NO Dover - blackouts at sea - no engines -
We had a great time, but this ship has some serious mechanical issues which need to be resolved before we would set sail on her again. Take your sea sickness pills - you'll need them!
I'm sorry that you have had a failure to engines for one and a half hours ... it must have been nasty !!!
I hope that it was a single event ... I Know that there was bad weather in England.
You say that the ship is beautiful but has serious mechanical issues and too many creaks.
With hope that the problems are resolved promptly.
Best wishes.
Mi dispiace che la Neoromantica abbia avuto i motori bloccati per un'ora e mezza ......
Speriamo che sia un caso singolo ...sapevo che c'è stato bruttissimo tempo in Inghilterra.
Tu dici che la Neoromantica ha seri problemi meccanici e troppi scricchiolii con il mare mosso.
Speriamo siano presto risolti !!!!
Un saluto
Penso di aver letto questo diario almeno 10 volte. Mi sono innamorata di questa nave. Che classe . Un ritorno al passato ai bei tempi. Molto tentata dalla partenza del 14/9 .
Complimenti per le fotoCiao Drusa.......che buon servizio, complimenti, veramente ottime foto che danno un ottimo panorama della nave.
Mi sa che.....devo andarci.
Un saluto.
Complimenti per le foto, una bella nave , dai Tano...ci vediamo il 30 agosto 2013???