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Cruise ship in Olden or Geiranger 2012.

Welcome back Galaxy! Thanks for posting this amazing picture!

Nice ship and enchantig scenery! Lucky you! ;)

" Bentornato Galaxy! Grazie per aver postato questa meravigliosa foto! Bella nave e paesaggio incantevole, beato te! ;) "
Congratulations ! This is a very nice photo ! I will be in Geiranger next month onboard the Jewel of the Seas ! :)

Congratulazioni ! Davvero una bella foto ! Sarò a Geiranger il mese prossimo a bordo della Jewel of the Seas ! :)
Thank you :)

Italian Cruiser : i guees and hope that im there to for some pics before she leave Geiranger :)

May 16 was Brilliance Of The Seas *maiden call * in Olden

And the day after on Norways big day may 17 Queen Mary 2 was on a visit.
Wonderful pics Galaxy ! Thanks again ! :)

Foto meravigliose Galaxy ! Grazie di nuovo ! :)
I agree with ItalianCruiser, wonderful pics!
Can I ask you one info? Do you have photos of the summer 2004? :D I know that's a strange question, but i was at Geiranger with MSC Rhapsody on that year...

Concordo con Paolo, meravigliose immagini!
Posso chiederti una info? hai foto dell'estate 2004? :D So che è una domanda strana, ma sono stato a Geiranger con la MSC Rhapsody quell'anno...
Galaxy doesn't understand Italian... so write your answers in English too... please. !

Galaxy non comprende l'Italiano... così scrivete le vostre risposte anche in Inglese... per favore !

AlbySy said that he hasn't never met the QM2 before... and he's sorry about this. For him she is the most charming and elegant vessel afloat.
Ultima modifica:
Thank you,Italian Cruiser.

AlbySy : I hope you one day can see Queen Mary 2 in real,not just in pictures or movies...like you say,shes a beauty whit a VERY nice voice ( horn ) :)

Today was Delphin back in Olden for the first time since 2009. And she also had a 45 min. * man over board * exercise a while after departure.

The Delphin is only so so... but Olden is really magnificent ! :)

La Delphin è appena così così... ma Olden è veramente magnifica ! :)
Yesterday 3 ships was visit Olden,because of strike AIDAluna visit Olden since cruiseships can get pilot onbord at Florø,south - west of Olden.





** strike : cruiseships can get pilot at Florø,since this is private its not affected by the stike**

Costa Voyager,earlier in may
Thank you,Italian Cruiser.

AlbySy : I hope you one day can see Queen Mary 2 in real,not just in pictures or movies...like you say,shes a beauty whit a VERY nice voice ( horn ) :)

Today was Delphin back in Olden for the first time since 2009. And she also had a 45 min. * man over board * exercise a while after departure.


Galaxy, thanks for your photos.
Wonderful places!
Delphin: it is a miracle that she's back to navigate, and she's integrated well with the landscape.
In this photo, the water of Olden is fantastic......

Galaxy, grazie delle foto.
Luoghi meravigliosi!
Delphin: è un miracolo che sia tornata a navigare, e si integra bene con il paesaggio.
In questa foto, l'acqua di Olden è fantastica...
