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Avaria Carnival Triumph


New member
Carnival Cruise Lines


February 10, 2013 – 7.30PM EST

This morning the cruise ship Carnival Triumph experienced an engine room fire while the vessel was sailing approximately 150 miles off the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. The ship’s automatic fire extinguishing systems activated and the fire was contained to the aft engine room. At this time, the fire is fully extinguished. There were no casualties or injuries to guests or crew. All appropriate authorities including U.S. Coast Guard have been notified.

The vessel is currently without propulsion and the ship is operating on emergency generator power. The ship's technical crew has determined the vessel will need to be towed to port. A tugboat is en route to the ship's location and will tow the vessel to Progreso, Mexico, which is the closest port to the ship’s current location. This will enable us to disembark guests and get them home as quickly as possible. The ship is expected to arrive in Progreso Wednesday afternoon and guests will be flown from there back to the U.S.

There are 3,143 guests and 1,086 crew on board. Guests are being provided with food and refreshments. Another Carnival ship, the Carnival Elation, is currently on scene and transferring additional food and beverage provisions to the Carnival Triumph.

We have contacted the designated emergency contacts for all guests presently on board Carnival Triumph. Concerned family and loved ones of guests and crew may call 888.290.5095 or 305.406.5534 .

All guests on the current Carnival Triumph voyage will receive a full refund of the cruise, along with transportation expenses. In addition, they will receive a future cruise credit equal to the amount paid for this voyage, as well as reimbursement of all shipboard purchases during the voyage, with the exception of gift shop and casino charges.


New member
Di certo non farà la fine dell'Allegra! Ho letto che la compagnia ha cancellato le prossime due partenze. Possibile che riesca a riparare il danno in così poco tempo?!


Active member
Se non sbaglio già la Carnival Splendor aveva avuto un problema simile. Sicuramente la Triumph non farà la fine di Allegra, è ancora competitiva sul mercato USA (oltre ad essere relativamente giovane) per pensare a una sua dismissione. Mi associo a quanto dice Rodolfo, immaginate se fosse successo nella stagione degli uragani cosa sarebbe potuto accadere


Update on the Carnival Triumph:

Details on Initial Incident/Status of Tugboats

Yesterday morning, February 10, the cruise ship Carnival Triumph experienced a fire in the aft engine room while the vessel was sailing approximately 150 miles off the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. The ship’s automatic fire extinguishing systems activated and the fire was successfully extinguished. There were no casualties or injuries to guests or crew.

The vessel is currently without propulsion in the Gulf of Mexico and awaiting the arrival of two tugboats which will tow the ship to Progreso, Mexico, which is the closest port to the ship’s current location. The ship is expected to arrive in Progreso late Wednesday and guests will be flown from Mexico back to the U.S. on chartered aircraft which the company is currently working to arrange.

Currently, a team consisting of additional technical crew and guest service personnel is en route to the vessel and is expected to arrive via boat later today. All appropriate authorities including U.S. Coast Guard have been notified and a U.S. Coast Guard cutter is presently on site next to the Carnival Triumph and in communication with the ship.

Update on Shipboard Services

The ship has maintained emergency generator power since the fire occurred and the technical team on board has been successful in gradually restoring auxiliary power to operate some basic hotel functions. Currently, public and cabin toilets are operational in certain sections of the ship, power has been restored to a limited number of elevators, and some power in the Lido dining area is providing for hot coffee and limited hot food service. Guests have been supplied with food and refreshments throughout yesterday and this morning and the ship has supplies on board to last until the vessel returns to port.

Yesterday afternoon, the Carnival Elation rendezvoused with the Carnival Triumph and supplied dinners for the guests on Carnival Triumph, along with additional provisions. Early this afternoon, the Carnival Legend will also be on site to do the same.

There are 3,143 guests and 1,086 crew on board.

We continue to update the designated emergency contacts for all guests presently on board Carnival Triumph. Concerned family and loved ones of guests and crew may call 888.290.5095 or 305.406.5534.

Upcoming Voyages and Compensation

All guests on the current Carnival Triumph voyage will receive a full refund of the cruise, along with transportation expenses. In addition, they will receive a future cruise credit equal to the amount paid for this voyage, as well as reimbursement of all shipboard purchases during the voyage, with the exception of gift shop and casino charges.

The next two voyages of Carnival Triumph, scheduled to depart Monday, February 11 and Saturday, February 16 are being cancelled. Guests scheduled to sail on either of those voyages will receive a full refund, reimbursement for non-refundable travel expenses and a 25 percent discount on a future three to five-day cruise. Carnival is in contact with impacted guests to advise them of the situation.

The current Carnival Triumph voyage departed Galveston, Texas, on Thursday, February 7 and was scheduled to return on Monday, Feb. 11.

Riassumendo pare che la rimborseranno totalmente i passeggeri e regalaranno una nuova crociera dello stesso importo. La Elation nel frattempo avrebbe fornito i pasti per la Triumph... almeno così ho tradotto... il che mi apre l'immaginazione di cosa esattamente abbiano fatto :S
Ultima modifica:


Super Moderatore
Direi che sia inutile inserire una notizia in questo modo; non tutti conoscono l'inglese. Meglio fare un piccolo riassunto della notizia in italiano e far seguire l'indirizzo del link.


La notizia è ritrovabile su Facebook della compagnia ufficiale.

Come ho riassunto già sotto la nave è ancora in attesa del traino verso il porto più vicino. Inoltre è stato trasferito cibo da un'altra nave Carnival che si è passato nelle vicinanze. I passeggeri avranno un totale rimborso dell'importo crociera e gli verrà poi regalata una nuova crociere dello stesso importo pagato per la vecchia.
I prossimi viaggi della Triumph sono per ora cancellati


New member
Spero tanto che tutto si risolva velocemente e nel migliore dei modi
un saluto ai passeggeri e all'equipaggio tutto!


Super Moderatore
La notizia è ritrovabile su Facebook della compagnia ufficiale.

Come ho riassunto già sotto la nave è ancora in attesa del traino verso il porto più vicino. Inoltre è stato trasferito cibo da un'altra nave Carnival che si è passato nelle vicinanze. I passeggeri avranno un totale rimborso dell'importo crociera e gli verrà poi regalata una nuova crociere dello stesso importo pagato per la vecchia.
I prossimi viaggi della Triumph sono per ora cancellati

Non avevo visto il capoverso finale in italiano. ;) ;) Meglio comunque inserirlo all'inizio e citare il solo indirizzo del link, senza riportare tutto il testo; potrebbero nascere dei problemi per quanto riguarda il copyright.