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RCCL 2011

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Re: RCCL 2011

La Mariner of the Seas da Civitavecchia riprenderà gli itinerari programmati per la Splendour, che invece offrirà crociere lunghe da Venezia.
Re: RCCL 2011

Copio qui tutto il documento pdf e faccio prima...


Mariner of the Seas to Augment Record-setting Europe Deployment in 2011
MIAMI, April 22, 2010 – Royal Caribbean International today announced the redeployment of
Mariner of the Seas, which will take effect in January 2011. Mariner of the Seas will offer a short South
America season before debuting in the Mediterranean as Royal Caribbean’s record-setting 11th ship
in the region for summer 2011. Mariner of the Seas will homeport at Rome (Civitavecchia) from
March through October 2011, replacing Splendour of the Seas, which will now homeport in Venice,
offering 10- and 11-night Greek Isles and Turkey itineraries for the season. Mariner of the Seas will
then return to North America for the 2011-12 winter season, offering seven-night Western
Caribbean itineraries from Galveston, Texas, replacing Voyager of the Seas. As a result, Voyager of the
Seas will herald Royal Caribbean’s return to New Orleans in winter 2011-12, offering vacationers
another Gulf Coast port to embark on a memorable seven-night Western Caribbean cruise.
The Mexican Riviera has traditionally been an important market for Royal Caribbean
International, with the Port of Los Angeles and Mexican local, state and federal government
agencies, and their private sectors playing a supportive role as valued partners. While Royal
Caribbean International looks forward to returning to the region in the future, Mariner of the Seas will
sail its final round-trip Mexican Riviera itinerary from Los Angeles on January 9, 2011.
Guests currently booked on Mariner of the Seas’ Mexican Riviera sailings from January 16,
2011, and onward will be contacted with the following offer. Until May 6, 2010, affected guests can
opt for a full refund of any fares paid, or enjoy $200 onboard credit per stateroom ($400 per suite
category stateroom) when they rebook their vacation, at the same fare or lower prevailing fare, on a
Mariner of the Seas sailing before January 16, 2011, or on the same 2011 departure date aboard Voyager
of the Seas, sailing from Galveston. Travel agents also will receive a $50 bonus commission for
rebooking affected clients, whose names and deposits have been submitted, to these Mariner of the
Seas and Voyager of the Seas sailings. More information is available at

Royal Caribbean Redeploys Mariner of the Seas – Page 2
On January 16, 2011, Mariner of the Seas will reposition from Los Angeles on a 16-night
itinerary to Valparaiso, Chile, followed by a 14-night voyage that cruises the Straits of Magellan and
Cape Horn at the southern tip of South America to Sao Paulo (Santos), Brazil. The ship will then
offer a short Brazilian cruise season, before crossing the Atlantic to debut in Europe at its new
seasonal homeport of Rome (Civitavecchia), where Mariner of the Seas will sail seven-night Western
Mediterranean and 12-night Mediterranean Holy Land and Mediterranean Egypt itineraries. In
November 2011, Mariner of the Seas will debut at Galveston to offer Texas vacationers two roundtrip
seven-night Western Caribbean itineraries through April 2012. Mariner of the Seas’ new 2011 Europe
and South America, and 2011-12 Western Caribbean itineraries, Splendour of the Seas’ new 2011
Europe itineraries, and Voyager of the Seas’ new 2011-12 Western Caribbean itineraries will be opened
for booking in the near future.
Guests aboard Mariner of the Seas’ new 2011 Holy Land itineraries can choose a variety of
shore excursion options, at an additional charge, that visit some of the most sacred sites in Israel,
including Bethlehem, Nazareth, the Wailing Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and many
others. “Grand Overland” takes guests on the most comprehensive overview of this fascinating
region with an overnight stay in Jerusalem. On the Egypt cruises, “Grand Egypt Tour” offers guests
a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to visit the awe-inspiring Pyramids and mysterious Sphinx at Cairo,
and the Valley of the Kings in Luxor. Guests also should not miss the largest collection of Roman
ruins in the eastern Mediterranean and the iconic Library of Celsius on “Best of Ephesus.”
Voyager-class Mariner of the Seas and Voyager of the Seas are two of the world’s 10 largest and
most innovative cruise ships at sea. Both ships feature the cruise line’s iconic rock-climbing wall, the
Studio B ice-skating rink, nine-hole mini-golf course, an in-line skating track, a full-size basketball
court, and the Royal Promenade, a boulevard of boutiques, restaurants and lounges and bars.
Voyager of the Seas features the cruise line’s signature Portofino Italian restaurant, while Mariner of the
Seas offers a second specialty restaurant option, Chops Grille steakhouse.
Royal Caribbean International is a global cruise brand with 21 ships currently in service and
one under construction. The line also offers unique cruise tour land packages in Alaska, Canada,
Dubai, Europe, and Australia and New Zealand.
Re: RCCL 2011

Guizzo90 ha detto:
summer 2011. Mariner of the Seas will homeport at Rome (Civitavecchia) from
March through October 2011, replacing Splendour of the Seas, which will now homeport in Venice,
offering 10- and 11-night Greek Isles and Turkey itineraries for the season.
:roll: :roll: come al solito con l' Inglese si capisce poco :oops: :oops: :oops: " which will now homeport in Venice" / "ora porto di partenza a Venezia" non si capisce (io non capisco) bene se riferito a questa stagione o alla prossima :roll: :roll: :roll:, comunque visto poi scrivono 10-11 notti penso che la Splendour OtS rifarà gli itinerari della Vison OtS dell' anno scorso
Re: RCCL 2011

Si riferisce all'estate 2011!
Ma come, tu che viaggi sempre sulle Royal Caribbean hai difficoltà in Ingleseeeeee???? :lol:
Re: RCCL 2011

e dove stà scritto che si riferisce alla stagione 2011 (oltre che sul titolo :mrgreen: ), comunque le cabine della Splendour OtS per la prossiam estate da Civitavecchia sono sparite :wink:

PS=certo che lo sbarco in rada a Santorini della Mariner OtS :P :mrgreen:
Re: RCCL 2011

Che belle novità per il 2011... la Splendour è la nave adatta per le crociere lunghe da Venezia. :wink:

La Mariner su Civitavecchia è un passo in avanti enorme... è la più recente delle 5 navi di classe Voyager.

Ma con la Mariner su Civitavecchia nel 2011, dove mandano la Navigator ? :?:
Re: RCCL 2011

rimane a Civitavecchia (almeno sembra :mrgreen: ), ci pensi la prossiam estate in europa 2Freedom, 4Voyager :shock: 2Radiance 3Vision :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: ma dove andranno le Costa & MSC :?: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
e 4 Solstice :wink:
Re: RCCL 2011

Dove andrà Costa piuttosto... MSC è competitiva su Civitavecchia (se mette Fantasia o Splendida)... Costa mica tanto... le sue postpanamax sono molto meno innovative delle Voyager. La fortuna della compagnia genovese è data dalle crociere traghettone... pigliano passeggeri ovunque... da Nord a Sud in Italia, in Spagna, ecc. :wink:
Re: RCCL 2011

Italian Cruiser ha detto:
dalle crociere traghettone... pigliano passeggeri ovunque... da Nord a Sud in Italia, in Spagna, ecc. :wink:
speriamo che la Liberty OtS prenda esempio da loro ed imbarchi anche a Civitavecchia :wink:
Re: RCCL 2011

Intanto si sa già che la Mariner effettuerà anche un itinerario settimanale estivo da Civitavecchia con imbarco anche da Genova (sicuramente è il 2° itinerario che fa quest'anno la Navigator oltre quello verso la Grecia). E' possibile che nel 2011 la Navigator imbarcherà anche da Messina????
Re: RCCL 2011

non m' istigare :mrgreen: :mrgreen: e da stamini che voglio chiamarli :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Ma ho paura che mi mandino al quel paese :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:
Re: RCCL 2011

Guizzo90 ha detto:
Intanto si sa già che la Mariner effettuerà anche un itinerario settimanale estivo da Civitavecchia con imbarco anche da Genova (sicuramente è il 2° itinerario che fa quest'anno la Navigator oltre quello verso la Grecia). E' possibile che nel 2011 la Navigator imbarcherà anche da Messina????

Sarebbe una mossa logica. Con il doppio imbarco Centro-Nord della Mariner... è giusto anche offrire il doppio imbarco Centro-Sud isole della Navigator.

In ogni caso Civitavecchia farà la parte del leone. :wink: Il raddoppio delle navi è stato determinato dal successo di queste crociere. :wink:
Re: RCCL 2011

è vero :P
From July 22, 2011 through September 2, 2011, Mariner of the Seas will offer 7-night Western Mediterranean sailings from Rome. In addition to Rome, guests will have the option to embark in Genoa, Italy.
questi gli itinerari della Splendour OtS da Venezia
Splendour of the Seas (10- & 11-nights including Split, Croatia; Chania (Souda), Crete; Corfu, Athens (Piraeus), Mykonos, Santorini and Katakolon, Greece on the 10-night itinerary and Kotor, Montenegro; Split, Croatia; Ephesus (Kusadasi) and Bodrum Turkey; Athens (Piraeus), Mykonos and Santorini Greece as well as an overnight in Venice the 11-night itinerary)
Discussione chiusa ad ulteriori risposte.